Mixing Energetics Materials

Mixing Energetics Materials

Rugged, Reliable, Secure

Hundreds of B&P Littleford mixing systems are at work worldwide mixing energetics materials and manufacturing munitions, propellants, explosives, and pyrotechnics. These machines have delivered unparalleled safety and industry-leading longevity, and reliability.

B&P Littleford's primary systems for energetics are our dual planetary vertical mixers. These systems incorporate a unique design with both blades mounted off-center to ensure complete mixing with no dead spots or hot spots, and for the highest standards of safety.

Applications where heat transfer, kneading action, and high throughput are important are well suited to utilize B&P Littleford’s Continuous Kneader technology. In many cases, our SE series clamshell specialty extruders may also be well-suited to production of propellants and energetics. Request a quote today for more information. 

Energetics Applications & Equipment

Application Equipment
Energetics and Explosives Vertical Energetics
Propellants Double Arm
Explosives Double Arm


Partial application list. Please contact us to discuss your application in more detail.